Show and Tell: Quixotic

February 14, 2009

Remember a couple of weeks ago when I showed you a photo I bought from Wall Blank and I gave away a Wall Blank print of her choosing to Anita from Hope.Faith.Patience?

The past week has been particularly good at Wall Blank. Anita has chosen her prize: an artistic rendering of the Japanese symbol for water, mizu. If you happen to like it yourself, it’s still available for a few more days — and the profits go to the Australian Red Cross to help victims of the bushfires in Victoria.


Hope you enjoy it, Anita!

I myself was smitten with one of this week’s offerings, Don Quixote and Rocinante in pen and ink. Also available for a few more days if you want to copy me. If you do, just be prepared, if I ever walk into your house, for me to point and exclaim, “Copycat!” But, I always show up at people’s houses bearing gifts, so it’s not all finger-pointing and name-calling.

I like it aesthetically, but it’s the subject that particularly calls to me. First, I’m headed to Quixote’s homeland next month. Second, I quite enjoyed the book, though it’s been almost 20 years since I read it. Third, I’ve been feeling a bit quixotic lately as I embark on Perfunctory IUI #7 (BTW I started stims yesterday) in preparation for non-Perfunctory IVF #3. I hope it’s not an impossible dream, but it sure feels that way sometimes.

To bear with unbearable sorrow

To try when your arms are too weary [from all of the blood draws]

One [wo]man, scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove, with [her] last ounce of courage,
To reach the unreachable star.

Interestingly, both of DH’s parents have prints of Picasso’s Quixote in their respective homes. As I considered buying this new Quixote, I wondered if the appreciation for the character had trickled down to DH.

Me: What do you think of Don Quixote?
DH: He’s stupid.
Me: Huh?
DH: Tilting at windmills is stupid.
Me: You know he doesn’t think they’re windmills, right?
DH: Yeah. He’s delusional.
Me: Have you actually read the book?
DH: No, I don’t think so.
Me: I think you’d remember — it’s one of the greatest works of literature of all time. Have you seen Man of La Mancha?
DH: I know that one song.

And so, in a rare turn of events I am ignoring DH’s otherwise-infallible opinion. I have employed my own judgment in coming to the decision to make another Wall Blank purchase. I’m building quite the collection of infertility-themed art.

I will leave you with my favorite version of “that one song.”

More metaphoric, symbolic, and literal beauty at Show and Tell.

17 Responses to “Show and Tell: Quixotic”

  1. Dora Says:

    Great metaphor. Love the print. Tilting at windmills is not delusional. Your DH’s reaction reinforces my opinion that men could never endure IVF. “You mean I have to go to the dr early in the morning and have WHAT stuck up WHERE!?!? Over and over again!?!? Let’s just get a dog.”

  2. “Me: What do you think of Don Quixote?
    DH: He’s stupid.
    Me: Huh?
    DH: Tilting at windmills is stupid.
    Me: You know he doesn’t think they’re windmills, right?
    DH: Yeah. He’s delusional.
    Me: Have you actually read the book?
    DH: No, I don’t think so.
    Me: I think you’d remember — it’s one of the greatest works of literature of all time. Have you seen Man of La Mancha?
    DH: I know that one song.”

    Still chuckling from that. Soo similar to Michael and a discussion on Hemingway we had once. It was like…hm. step away from the conversation.

    I also like the -double innuendo? – in “bear with unbearable sorrow” – so apt.

    wooo hoo. first comment??


  3. strongblonde Says:

    i actually like both of the prints very much. i think that if it is special to you, you did the right thing by getting it.

    funny interaction with dh though 🙂

  4. Kristin Says:

    I adore Man of La Mancha. I really need to get off my butt and read the book. Those are both gorgeous prints you shared.

  5. Cara Says:

    You do know how to make me chuckle! I mean – from infertility – to THAT conversation – to Elvis. What a post!

    I’m going to have to swing over to that Wall Art place!Something tells me I’m going to like what I see.

  6. Liv Says:

    I have loved the wall blank website since you shared it last. I just wish I could have found out about it earlier! I have shared it with some of my coworkers and friends and they think I’m pretty cool for finding it. So, thanks for that! I did see this print and thought it was very nice.

  7. Delenn Says:

    Very funny! I love Man of LaManche…

  8. Bunny Says:

    another wonderful piece of art. you have great taste!

  9. Danielle Says:

    Anita made a great choice, as did you. Those are so beautiful.

  10. Wishing4One Says:

    I too am a wallblank FAN now since you shared it! I even sent it to an AWESOME artist friend of mine and told her to submit as her work would SO SELL. I like both prints too, haven’t ordered yet but plan to soon. I’ll just have to wait for someone to bring them here to pyramid land, as mail is non-existent unfortunately, unless its FEDEX.

  11. Lori Says:

    Dulcineeeee-aaaaaa (warbled in my best voice)…

    Hubby read Don Quixote while we were in Spain and loved it. I tried to but it didn’t grab me.

    Oh, boy, do I love that Mizu print.

    I bet you have a most interesting home decor. (Is there a black velvet Elvis?)

  12. Jo Says:

    Thanks for sharing the wall blank site — I’m heading there now!

  13. I love the print, and Don Quixote is a great old tale — but maybe not so much for practical people. 🙂

  14. ^WiseGuy^ Says:

    Still giggling at the conversation you shared with DH.

    To tell you the truth, I myself have never been through Don Quixote. One of these days, I might. I am aware of what Quixotic is used for as such.

    I love the print you have chosen from Wall Blank as well as Anita’s Water. Water – blue, fluid, shapeless, life-giver, sustainer, universal, mysterious, powerful, moody….

  15. Shelby Says:

    I love the water symbol! beautiful!

  16. Jamie Says:

    Those prints are beautiful!

    My Mom was always a big fan of Man of La Mancha. For some reason, I could never get into the soundtrack until she took me to see it at the theater. Now I also love it!

  17. Such great prints! And such a great song too!

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