The Return

October 23, 2017

Well, I’m back.

First, my deepest apologies for disappearing from the face of the earth for 3 1/2 years. Seriously. Really, truly. And for not even checking my blog email so that friends’ expressions of concern received no reply. Some of you checked in on me through Lori just to know that I was okay, thanks to Lori for that, and sorry to all of you for not answering directly.

There have been so many times I thought of posting about something, because now, even 8 years after the birth of Burrito and Tamale (8! unfathomable!), infertility comes up in my life all. the. time.

I have periodically lurked on the blogs of some of you. The death of Google Reader was really the beginning of the end of my ability to keep track of my bloggy friends.

As for my abrupt end to blogging, I was indeed very busy trying to juggle work and then-4-year olds and managing RA, but my last blog post exactly coincided with my medication starting to fail in April 2014. That medication worked great for a year and a half, then it suddenly didn’t, at all. Not as bad as the first onset of RA with not being able to stand or do anything whatsoever with my hands, but bad enough that I quit my beloved twice weekly yoga because I couldn’t support weight on my wrists, that I couldn’t turn doorknobs, that I couldn’t pick up children, that I sometimes couldn’t hold a fork to eat.

The replacement medicine worked a little better but never well enough — there were fewer eat-with-my-hands days but far from zero. Worse, the side effects were debilitating: I never had a migraine in my life until that second medication, then developed several per week. Blogging is tough when you can barely use your hands and can’t see straight. (After switching off that medication in 2016, I haven’t had a migraine since.)

After a couple of years of white-knuckling it (get it? knuckles?) I switched doctors from the one with the worst bedside manner in history who believed that I’d never achieve full functioning (How do I know that? Because I heard him dictate it into his note in the next room. Asshole.) to a doctor with outstanding bedside manner who is resolved to get me to a point where I can function, and who switched my medication from the ineffective yet migraine-inducing one to one that has no side effects for me and works pretty well. Well enough that I’m afraid to switch again, lest a new medication have some other horrible side effect. My joints are far from perfect, but most days I can do what I need to do. It might bother me, but I function, and people can’t tell. And there are even days when I almost forget I have RA.

Once I could finally both reliably type and see straight, too much time had passed, and it felt overwhelming to come back to an inbox full of worried messages, and I had both too much to say but so much that I couldn’t say. I finally understood what many people had been saying about not being able to tell others’ infertility stories for them. “I interacted with this person and here’s the deal with their infertility that I found interesting but which has nothing to do with me” is not a reasonable long-term blog format.

But I’m back, and I’m going to post more often (certainly more often than once every 3 1/2 years, but also more often than I did before). About infertility, yes, because it still comes up constantly, and because it deeply affects my current life, more right now than it has in years. But also about other things, about me. Frankly, disclosing about myself is very much not my strong suit in real life, and I’m even worse at expressing the deep emotions rather than only the cerebral aspects, but perhaps in expressing real emotion in blog format, I can get better at doing so in my non-blog life too.

Brevity is also not my strong suit as you have just seen, but moving forward I will try to break things down into shorter posts rather than my usual magnum opus style, fewer shorter blog posts rather than occasional huge posts. At least I’ll try.

Why now? There have been some big recent events which have spurred me to come back, finally, after all this time. You’ll hear about those in subsequent posts. Cliffhanger!

It’s so good to be back, and it’s so good to have someone to talk to again. I’ve missed you. And, even if my babies are nowhere near babies anymore, I’ve missed the Baby Smiling version of me.


8 Responses to “The Return”

  1. Mina Says:

    Good. Happy to have you back. Life is also insanely busy over here as well, so commenting on the phone is rare. Still. I’m here. I’m reading. Happy to have you back. Easily repeating myself, because it’s ingrained by now, due to the children that I have to interact with daily. Saying it just one time feels weird now. And adults tend to give me weird looks when I ask them to repeat the instructions I have them, to make sure they got it right. I might write apart about this. But I’ve got no time. 😆

  2. Jane Says:

    Wow, what a joy to hear/read your voice again. I’m sorry you went through such a difficult period and glad you’ve found your way out again. Will read whatever you choose to post with pleasure!


    Dang cliffhanger.

  4. a Says:

    Yay! Welcome back to blogging! I’m glad you’re managing your RA, and I hope you don’t have any more issues with medication (although I know it’s probably unlikely 😦 ). Looking forward to reading your stories again!

  5. loribeth61 Says:

    So glad to see a new post from you popping up in my blogreader! (I use Bloglovin now, but I still miss Google Reader too.) Looking forward to more…!

  6. loribeth61 Says:

    Tried leaving a comment a few days ago, but it hasn`t come through… just wanted to say it was great to see a post from you pop up in my reader! (I use Bloglovin these days, but I too still miss Google Reader….!)

  7. Elsie S Says:

    Missed you too.

    Glad to have you back. Reading your posts now….

  8. Hey! Welcome back! I’m so glad you are posting again. I haven’t checked Feedly in weeks, so I’m just catching up now.

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