Show and Tell: Blogoversary Contest Prizes

August 19, 2009

Show and TellSorry that I couldn’t post last week to show you the prizes won by the winners of my Blogoversary Contest. Turns out that being horizontal is not conducive to climbing stairs, fetching cameras, photographing pottery, etc.

1st Prize which will be sent to Birdless whenever I can manage to put the package together and send my husband to the post office (she preferred a blue-ish bowl over the prize I’d originally planned). It’s cereal-sized — unless you’re my husband, in which case you’d need a bigger bowl for cereal. Hopefully Birdless eats normal portions of cereal; or, she can eat whatever she wants in it. The inside swirl was done with glaze; the pattern around the rim is carved into the clay when it’s leather-hard using the wheel and — get this — a pencil. That pattern at the rim is a bit of a trademark for me (almost all of the bowls in my house have that pattern). Thanks to the swirl, this is one of the bolder pieces I’ve made:


2nd Prize for Lori. Yes, those are L’s for Lori (or for Lavender Luz if you prefer). The L’s go all around the cup in a decorative pattern. I was experimenting with wax resist.

I won’t be making any more pottery for a loooong time, so in future Show and Tells I’ll keep showing you some of the pieces I made in this last batch as well as various non-pottery things. Next week: A resolution to my episode of Zen non-attachment, my very first Show and Tell from over a year ago.

See what the rest of Miss Lollipop’s class has to offer for Show and Tell.

16 Responses to “Show and Tell: Blogoversary Contest Prizes”

  1. T Lee Says:

    Your work is lovely!

  2. a Says:

    Nice! My aunt used to make pottery and the glazes are always fascinating.

  3. Kristin Says:

    Absolutely beautiful pieces. You really have talent.

  4. Mrs. Gamgee Says:

    I am so impressed! They are gorgeous!

  5. luna Says:

    your pieces are so amazing!

  6. loribeth Says:

    Those are beautiful!

  7. birdless Says:

    I love, love, LOVE it! I’m excited to get your beautiful bowl, but I completely understand if you don’t get it sent out soon. It gives me something to look forward to. Your pottery is so beautiful! I wish I could do that.

  8. ^WiseGuy^ Says:

    Beautiful Work there…

    LOL at the cereal portion comparion!

  9. Michele Says:

    When you decide to make pottery again, please let me know! I collect pottery mugs and bowls. I try to buy one wherever we visit or whenever I see a local potter. I love the feel of them in my hands to drink or eat from (or just to look at and feel). I would gladly pay to have you do some and ship it! Your work is gorgeous! I especially love the pieces where you can see the potter’s finger marks, etc, where they are unique and flowing. My favorite cup is that way!

  10. Katie Says:

    That is so amazing! Your work is beautiful

  11. Billy Says:

    Very beautiful!

  12. Those are beautiful. What a great talent.

  13. what an amazing talent you have… beautiful.

  14. Lavender Luz Says:

    It’s luscious and lovely! I can hardly believe my luck!

  15. Suzy Says:

    I love the pottery. You are blessed with that talent. I tried it once and didn’t have much success.


  16. Suzy Says:

    My knitting is the same way. Lots of errors and mistakes in the beginning, but finally something worthwhile now.

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