Show and Tell: We Have a Winner!

August 30, 2008

At last week’s Show and Tell, inspired by Barren Bitches Book Brigade selection Eat, Pray, Love, I presented a bridge at which I threw a tantrum. Um, that doesn’t really convey the spirit of that post. I explained it a lot better before. Please just go read that post first. I will wait…

(Tall and tan and young and lovely, the girl from Ipanema goes walking, and when she…)

Welcome back! At the end of the post, I invited people to guess the location of the bridge. Several people guessed, and one person got it right:

The esteemed Lori from Weebles Wobblog, All Thumbs Reviews, and Drama 2B Mama! She knew that the bridge was in Budapest. It, in fact, is the Chain Bridge, a cast iron suspension bridge that was once considered one of the wonders of the modern world. Congratulations, Lori!

Here is the prize Lori has won:


I did not make this vase, but I did paint and glaze it. I’m still working on my vase-throwing technique — the skinny neck at the top can be tough, and I end up ruining almost every piece that I try to turn into a vase. I will keep working on my technique until my vases can reliably hold water. In the meantime, a vase that someone else threw is a safer choice.

It turns out that Lori had an advantage in the contest because she has also been to Budapest. She has posted her own infertility-related story about the Chain Bridge for this week’s Show and Tell. Please go enjoy her story and congratulate her.

Thanks to everyone who offered a guess! To keep the guessing fun going, I will offer another prize to the commentor who can guess the height of Lori’s vase. Closest guess before next week’s Show and Tell wins.

10 Responses to “Show and Tell: We Have a Winner!”

  1. Lori Says:

    I am so excited to get this vase!

    Thanks for such a cool post last week(and I thought so even beFORE I won something), and for offering such a beautiful prize.

  2. Mel Says:

    The paint and glaze is the best part, in my opinion. Shape…feh 🙂

  3. babysmiling Says:

    Hmm, as a potter, the shape is the part that I actually work on. But I have come to learn that with pottery, people notice glaze first, then texture/decoration if any, then shape — since that is the reverse of my own priorities, I have learned to focus more on decoration and glaze so as to better appeal to human nature.

    Don’t forget to guess the size!!! You could win something for yourself.

  4. Wishing4One Says:

    Yeah for Lori! So cool that you both were at that bridge, and both fabulous photos. I say the vase is approx. 8 inches?

  5. JuliaS Says:

    I was thinking more like 10 inches. :0)

    Nice looking piece and the bridge is pretty cool looking too! Congrats to Lori!

  6. Kristin Says:

    What a gorgeous vase. Its been soooo many years since I have thrown a pot.

  7. Stephanie Says:

    Nice vase 🙂

    The decoration of a vase is what *makes* a vase, I think.

  8. mrs spock Says:

    Oooh…beautiful vase. Lucky for Lori!!

  9. chicklet Says:

    Very cool vase.

  10. Malky B. Says:

    Beautiful vase. My guess – 12 inches.

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