13w1d: Nuchal Scan

May 13, 2009

I had my nuchal scan on Tuesday. But first, a few examples of how infertility still affects me.

  1. This weekend, we informed a friend-of-friends couple (you may know them as, “Have BabySmiling’s boobs always been that big?”) about the pregnancy. Wife was basically jumping up and down with joy — not easy, since she’s 8 1/2 months pregnant. Husband proceeded to make all sorts of lewd comments about the process of getting pregnant. I didn’t bother to correct him and explain that no sex was involved. Throughout the night, he kept interspersing random comments like, “Hey, you must be pregnant. Your tits are huge!” They’re a breast-oriented couple, apparently. I actually like the husband a lot, despite how jerky he sounds.
  2. I’ve had an Amazon book order in my shopping cart for more than a week, including some twin books and some regular pregnancy/baby books. I have been putting off the order in case the nuchal scan revealed that one or both of the babies are dead. Thanks, infertility mindset!
  3. The night before the nuchal scan, for the first time in this pregnancy, for hours after my husband went to bed I was unable to sleep. For once I was actually caught up with my blog-reading, so instead I tried to catch up on Creme de la Creme. Thanks, Dead Baby Thoughts!

My fears were thankfully unfounded. Nuchal scan went fine. The babies were so beautiful. I could make out the individual vertebrae of their spines, fingers, stomachs, button noses. They kept waving their arms in the air like they didn’t care (or rather, waving their arms in the amniotic fluid like they were druids?).

We also got blood draws to check for translocations and some other genetic issues. The genetic counselor said that given my two prior miscarriages, she personally would have pushed for genetic testing before conception, but I told her that Dr. Full Steam Ahead wasn’t so full-steam-ahead with genetics for some reason and didn’t want to test until after three miscarriages. That ship has presumably sailed, but if genetic testing reveals anything out of the ordinary, it will give us important information on these babies since some of the usual screens like the AFP aren’t helpful with twins. It would also be doing a service to any relatives who might share that genetic issue — for instance, if DH has any genetic issues, his four siblings who will be trying to conceive within the next 1 to 15 years would probably benefit from getting checked out.

The phlebotomist asked, “How are you with blood draws?” I wanted to say, “Fabulous! I have had more blood draws than you can possibly imagine, and I’ve given myself hundreds of injections!” But, I never want to make phlebotomists so complacent that they get rough or careless, so I blandly said, “Fine.”

And now, the main event! By the way, in case you’re keeping track, I’m pretty sure they’re still in the same positions with the same A/B assignments from the last ultrasound. But, last time, A was the bigger one, and now B has caught up and passed his/her twin. B’s heart rate is still a little faster. (For my own future reference:) currently the one on my left is A and the one on my right is B.

Baby A, measuring at 13w2d (2 days ahead), heart rate 158; it looks like A is sucking his/her thumb, but it was more like waving to us

Baby B, measuring at 13w3d (3 days ahead), heart rate 162

I love them so much.

Now it’s time to place that Amazon order…

36 Responses to “13w1d: Nuchal Scan”

  1. Nancy Says:

    Yay!!! This is fabulous news. And they look so u/s~y beautiful 🙂 Congrats on the fabulousness!

  2. Carrie Says:

    YAY! I am so glad your NT went well! I am nervous about mine, in a week.

    Okay, let’s talk Doppler. I don’t think you “need” to tolerate uncertainty unless you WANT to. I am a two weeks behind you and I heard ours, so I know you could hear it if you order it. Just my two cents, but after the miscarriages and until I can feel them moving, it gives me so much peace of mind. 50$ a month isn’t bad for being able to sleep at night. 🙂

    Sooooo glad everything is good with the babies, and YES they are beautiful. Place that Amazon order!


  3. Heather Says:

    Woo hoo!!!! Congrats on the great scan! Glad to see all is going well.

  4. ‘They kept waving their arms in the air like they didn’t care (or rather, waving their arms in the amniotic fluid like they were druids?).”

    You owe me a new computer screen!

    They are so beautiful, Cassandra. I can’t wait to show Tessa and Reed these pix later today. They’ll squeal at these former blueberries.

  5. strongblonde Says:

    this is great news.

    …i’ve been having those thoughts as well. 😦 IF sucks.

  6. Aww congrats! They are beautiful! It just “hit” me when I saw them. “Cassandra is pregnant with TWINS!!!!!”

  7. Mr. Shelby Says:

    What beautiful babies!!! Congrats.

    Mr. Shelby

  8. Jennifer Says:

    Definitely buy those books…things looks fantastic! Your two-some is doing great!!! CONGRATS!

  9. Kristin Says:

    Oh wow…wonderful pics, wonderful results, wonderful babies!

  10. jill Says:

    So happy you had a good appointment 🙂 They are just awesome!

  11. Murgdan Says:

    AWESOME! 🙂 That is just so cool.

  12. chelle Says:

    YAY! They look beautiful! I am glad the scan went well!

  13. Kami Says:

    That is amazing!!! Look at your little miracles! So precious.


  14. Kymberli Says:

    Such wonderful, hopeful pictures for me to come home to today!

    I’m definitely sticking with girl/boy, with Baby A/girl, Baby B/boy. (that’s where mine were, hence the guess). 🙂

  15. rosesdaughter Says:

    Wonderful, wonderful news!!!! 🙂

  16. Dora Says:

    Wonderful!! They’re absolutely beautiful! So happy for you!

  17. Beautiful!!! I am so thrilled for you I can barely stand it. You deserve all good things. This is only the beginning. 🙂

  18. katery Says:

    that is freaking awesome. those babies are beautiful!

  19. Anne Says:

    Cassandra, old friend, so nice to hear from you and to *see* your great news. There can be absolutely nothing sweeter than the in utero thumb sucking. How extraordinary that this reflex develops so early…

  20. Nicole Says:

    I can’t believe how beautiful they both are…at just 13 weeks. I love how much technology how allowed us to see and understand.

    I can’t say it with enough emphasis–they are just BEAUTIFUL!

  21. mekate Says:

    Such beautiful babies, and such great test results–
    It sucks how IF can steal the joy right out of this amazing time and cause such panic of knowing and fearing all that can go wrong.
    Gosh darn, I wish it would leave you alone to just be joyful. But I know better.
    I am reveling in your wondrous journey. Thank you for your honesty and for the beautiful photos. Warmly, Kate

  22. Go, go place that order! Congrats! I’m so glad to hear everything is going well! I will alos jump for joy for you, since i still can! 🙂

  23. Wishing4One Says:

    They are so beautiful, really they are. The second pic looks like their tongue is sticking out, thats not a tongue is it? And the first pic looks like he/she is giving a high five thumb too, too cute! I am so so so happy and excited for you! xoxoxoxoxo

  24. Shinejil Says:

    Ooooh, I’m filled with what Russians call “white envy.” Envy that is completely well meaning and happy for the envied. Not only are your twins looking wonderful, you got a cool Level II ultrasound to see them!

    Hooray! Order those books–and if you’re feeling really brave, check out some maternity clothes. I’ve finally allowed myself to walk a bit slower past the adorable baby/maternity boutique in town. I haven’t gotten up the gumption to go in yet, but I’m window shopping like crazy.

  25. I didn’t buy my first baby book until I was like 6 months in. Lucky for me, my friends started sending them to me and giving me books that they thought I would like from the first trimester. However, I didn’t actually pick any of them up until I was about where you are in my pregnancy. Pregnancy after infertility is just terrifying. But eventually it got to the point where I took myself in hand and said, “Listen, you can’t not do the prep work just because you’re scared.” And as it turns out, doing the prep work gave me new stuff to be worried about. Now I’m way more worried about being a good mom than losing the baby — which is a good thing. At least the mom thing is under mine — not nature’s — control.

  26. Cat Says:

    Woohoo! Congrats on the great scan!

    I do hope you can rest a little easier now and start to enjoy your pregnancy more. You’re totally right about IF robbing us of the ability to simply be joyful and excited. I refused to buy anything or make any concrete plans until after the first trimester and even after that I was still waiting for the other shoe to drop. I had to get a cerclage yesterday and am now on restricted activity for the duration, so maybe that was my other shoe. Hopefully.

  27. Amy Says:

    Gorgeous babies! Congrats on the great scan.

  28. Rebecca Says:

    They are so cute!

  29. Callie Says:

    They’re stunning! Congratulations!

  30. Martha Says:

    Here from LFCA and so glad all is well w/your beautiful babies!!

  31. S Says:

    They are beautiful! In so many ways!

  32. Liv Says:

    Yippee!!! Way to go on the test results. So happy for you guys. The photos are b-e-a-utiful.

  33. Carrie Says:

    They are adorable! The genetic counselor could have kept that comment to herself, in my opinion. You are pregnant already and worried enough without another person putting in their two cents.

  34. Photogrl Says:

    Love the pics!

    They are just beautiful! 🙂

  35. Imogen Says:

    What gorgeous babies! You are all doing great!

  36. Pregnancy Scan Ireland Says:

    Congrats with the NT. These little ones are so cute!
    Great pics…


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