Holy Fucking Shit

March 9, 2009

[Breaking news from Madrid airport]

Remember how Perfunctory IUI #7 was only done to satisfy the insurance company that I’d failed enough injectible + IUI cycles to qualify for IVF with the Trick Up My Sleeve insurance?

Remember how I used expired/ruined FSH?

Remember how we skipped the pre-IUI sex?

Guess who got a positive beta!

I am flabbergasted. Cautious, dubious, cackling with laughter at the irony.

Contest: Guess the beta (12DPO) and win a prize. Either a present from my travels or some of my new pottery.

Barren Bitches post coming shortly.

63 Responses to “Holy Fucking Shit”

  1. Mandy Says:

    Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you.

  2. 'Murgdan' Says:

    Waaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!! Congrats! Awesome! No guess…just happiness for you! πŸ™‚

  3. Callie Says:

    Oh my gosh! I am thrilled for you. At the airport on my way to sunny Winnipeg, so can’t write more, but just wanted to stop by and say CONGRATULATIONS!

  4. Anita Says:

    woo hoooooooo!!!!! That’s such awesome news! I am so very happy for you! I’m not sure what beta’s should be – so no guess sorry.

    Anita πŸ™‚

  5. OMG!!!!!!!!!!
    I’m going to guess 270!!

  6. Ana Says:

    Oh my god, that is awesome! Congratulations πŸ™‚
    I’ll guess 45

  7. Ana Says:

    clearly I have no idea what I beta should be. Forgive me ignorance.

  8. MrsJoyner Says:

    OMG!! I knew by the title it was good news!! And I heart any title that has profanity in it! I have no idea what to guess, but congratulations!!YAY!!

  9. Kristin Says:

    Hot damn…I am so fracking happy for you! I think I’ll be the eternal optimist and guess a 12DPO beta of 100.

  10. leslie laine Says:

    WHAT??? CONGRATULATIONS!!! This is great news!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ No guess, just amazed at this turn of events!

  11. Kami Says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I’m guessing 58!!! How freaking exciting!

  12. Shelli Says:

    wow, wow, WOW! That is awesome!

  13. Jane G Says:

    I haven’t a clue what a beta should be 12dpo, but just wanted to say wooooo hooooo, congratulations!

  14. loribeth Says:

    Wow, wow, wow!! Congratulations!!

  15. Ellen Says:

    Yay! I’ve been checking everyday and was so excited to see this! Congrats!

  16. Holy crap!! awesome!

  17. I’ll throw in a ‘just cause’ guess for the beta at 112 to 141!

  18. Jennifer Says:

    Holy crap…amazing news! Congrats on the happy beta…I guess it’s 57 at 12dpo!

  19. awakeintheworld Says:

    Yay! Yay! Yay! I so needed a Yay! today! so Yay! And I have no clue about betas at this point in the IF journey, um, I guess it’s not “3” and I guess it’s not “a million” so somewhere between the two?

    And once again…


  20. Elizabeth Says:

    Congrats! I’m all scientific, so I checked out betabase and found the average range. I’m guessing 36.

  21. Silya Says:

    Wow–how wonderful! Congratulations!

  22. fattykins Says:

    WOW, I go away for a day and look what happens! Congrats on the + beta! 79 is my guess.

  23. OMG!!! OMG!!!! THAT’S SO AWESOME..I’m going with 70

  24. Heather Says:

    Congratulations! Best wishes for a healthy uneventful nine months!

  25. I’m no good at guessing numbers, but I’m GREAT at being excited for you. WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!

    My sister wonders why I am suddenly dancing around the kitchen.

    OMfreakingG. SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!

  26. birdsandsquirrels Says:

    Oh my god! That is fantastic! I had a feeling it would happen this cycle! I just freaked my cats out by yelling “woo hoo!”
    I’m going to guess 87.

  27. Cat Says:

    Hahahahahahaha! I knew it would happen this cycle, just because you didn’t care if it didn’t. Woohoo! Congratulations!!!

    Oh, and my guess is 112. And another woohoo!!

  28. Dora Says:

    OMFG!! You go, Ms. Non-compliance! I’ll guess 85 at 12dpo.

    I’m so happy for you!!! You think it might have something to do with that healer? How much does he charge?

  29. Eve Says:

    Oh my word!!!!!!!!! I have no idea what your beta is but I’m praying that it keeps doubling away!



  30. Rebecca Says:

    99. And yay!

  31. s.e. Says:

    You must have relaxed an amazing amount this cycle or your healer is a sure thing. No matter how you fell into the category of urban legends I am glad you made it there!


  32. kaaron Says:


  33. Kymberli Says:

    I sent you an email this morning expressing my piss-my-pants level excitement, but I want to say it again here. WOW!

    My guess for your beta is 86!

  34. strongblonde Says:

    wahoo. this is such great news! my guess is 101. πŸ™‚

  35. staciet Says:

    That is wonderful!!! I am so very, very happy for you! πŸ™‚

    My beta guess is 123.

  36. OMG!!!!!! I can’t believe it- that’s fantastic! Congratulations! I’m guessing 135.

  37. Imogen Says:

    AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 65?


  38. samcy Says:

    Oh my freaking gosh! That is FABULOUS news!!!! My guess at 12DPO would be 125?

    Thank you God for this miracle!!!


  39. Wishing4One Says:

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ironic is an understatement huh? Wow…I say 78, 82 and 91. Man, this is freaking awesome!

  40. Wishing4One Says:

    Just had to say WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO again, unbelievable! So super exciting!

  41. Oh yea! Super yea! I’m so happy for you, and keep my fingers SO super-duper crossed for a happy beta of 62 or 92 — taking two guesses, b/c Wishing4One took 3 and s/he’s a bad influence. But seriously, congrats, congrats, congrats! This news made my day.

  42. clio Says:

    ahhhhhhhh! this is great!
    lucky number seven! the totally laid back one. :)))
    I hope I get that lucky too. My HPT is Friday, and I’m not really confident about it. But maybe it’s a good sign…
    p.s. I also used expired follis.tim!! LOL

  43. Kathy Says:

    Late to the party… but WOW Congrats!!!

    I’m going to guess 54 or 74 with the same rationale as above (everyone else is doing it).

    Enjoy your travels!

  44. Sarah Says:



  45. Sam Says:

    Congrats to you!!!!

  46. Heather R. Says:

    Just found your blog and what a time to find it!

    CONGRATS!!!!! My guess is 320

  47. Heather R. Says:

    HAHA did you freak? ok ok my real guess is 196

  48. Mel Says:

    I am screaming–HOLY SHIT! Congratulations–and now I need to go dance around the living room.

    I am going to guess 124 for the beta.

  49. Phoebe Says:

    Mother f^cker, you lucky f^ck!! That’s fantastic! I’m guessing 108.

  50. ^WiseGuy^ Says:

    It is that perfect moment where one does not know whether to laugh or to cry!


  51. S Says:

    Wow, that’s great news! I guess you just never know.

    I’ll guess 78 for your 12 DPO beta, and here’s hoping it doubles!

  52. Amanda Says:

    Here from LFCA

    Hooray! Congrats!!!

    Hmmmm….I’m going to guess a nice average 12dpo of 43.

  53. onepinkline Says:

    Oh joy, oh joy! Don’t know how I missed this post! Congrats!

  54. S. Says:

    saw your news on LFCA, congratulations!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  55. Irishlass Says:

    Oh my gosh! Congratulations!!!! My guess is the beta is 175 πŸ™‚

  56. shinejil Says:

    HOLY SHIT! That’s awesome. Funny, this stuff does seem to work sometimes. πŸ™‚

  57. meandbaby Says:

    HFS is right!! That’s awesome!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!

  58. bubbledragon Says:

    1.) Congratulations! *hug*

    2.) I guess 67. It’s a good number.

  59. geohde Says:

    Ooooohhhhh. Congratu-ma-lations!


  60. Photogrl Says:



    My guess is 101.

  61. Delenn Says:

    OMG!! Congrats! Wishing for the best!

  62. Malky B. Says:

    Congratulations! I couldn’t be happier for you! Just Relax must have done it – with a little help from technology of course ;-).

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